Getting Started

OpenShift cluster login

OpenShift Cluster Login

The first thing to do is log in to your OpenShift cluster with the following information:






Clicking the link above for the OpenShift Console will take you to the OpenShift login screen where you can login using the provided username and password.

openshift login

Once logged in, make sure that you choose the Developer perspective using the switcher in the upper-left:

openshift perspective switcher

Workshop Web Terminal

On the right side of your screen is a web terminal which includes many of the necessary command-line tools you need to interact with. By default the terminal is logged in with a service account with limited permissions, execute the following command to login as USER_PLACEHOLDER.


When you login you will see a prompt about using an insecure connection as the Kubernetes API in this workshop is using a default certificate, type y to accept and the login will continue.

Once completed you should see the following in the terminal:

The server uses a certificate signed by an unknown authority.
You can bypass the certificate check, but any data you send to the server could be intercepted by others.
Use insecure connections? (y/n): y

WARNING: Using insecure TLS client config. Setting this option is not supported!

Login successful.

You have access to the following projects and can switch between them with 'oc project <projectname>':


Using project "user1-argocd".
Welcome! See 'oc help' to get started.

In order to copy and paste content into the terminal, you can use the secondary (typically right click) menus to do so. You can also use the keyboard to paste content with the shortcut <ctrl><shift><v>.